Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Bones of the Trees


Postscript: Another comment about my workflow. With the addition of a camera connection kit for the iPad2, I can now shoot high-quality JPEG images on my Lumix G1 and transfer them to the tablet, then process them with apps like Simply B&W. The image of the typecast was also shot with the G1.

As for the Big Black Box that sits under my desk (subject of a previous entry), I shot some RAW images with the G1 and transferred them to the PC, then processed some in Silky Pix. Slow. Really slow. As in, almost takes forever (slight exaggeration), and several of the RAW files won't save as JPEGs, some sort of glitch that I haven't sorted out. Despite the slightly better image quality with the RAW files, the ease of use with this new method, and lack of glitches and crashes, really has me convinced of shooting JPEGs in the G1 and transferring them to the tablet for processing and upload.


Blogger Richard P said...

Perfect match between image and poem. The photo of the typing came out quite well.

3:57 PM  

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